

양장군 2011. 7. 4. 06:37


Screen English
Mon: The matter is settled.  그 문제는 됐어. 
Tue: It is better if we're equals. 우리가 동등하다면 더 좋겠죠. 
Wed: What on earth do you mean? 도대체 무슨 의미야? 
Thu: You have a bit of temper. 성미가 있으시네.
Fri: I don't carry money. 나 돈 안갖고 다녀.
Sat: Are you willing to do your part(job)? 당신 역할을 할 의향이 있으세요?

Talk, Play, Learn
I wanted to be worthy.
I wanted to be just right. 

Guess what I saw. 
Guess what I got you. 

Have you ever been tricked? 
Have you ever been heckled? 

She is always wining.
She is always sneezing.

Please leave me alone so I can think.
Please leave me alone so I can read.

Learn More 
Run of the mill
Clock in <-> Clock out
Turn a blind eye to: 못본 체 하다
I was nicely taken in. 

Don't dis(diss) the man.
I looked again.
You make me do a double take.

1. Morning words
그는 열정을 갖고 공부해.
hint: fervor(fervour): 열렬, 열정(passion)
He studies with fervor.
A: Jim is a good student. (A plus student) 
B: He studies with fervor.

그럼 서둘러 시작하는게 낫겠다. 
hint: get cracking 
We'd better get cracking then.
A: We can't be late. 
B: We'd better get cracking then.  

2. Screen English
- words
mechanics: 기술
jaw: 옆 턱(동물의 아가리)
chin: 턱
muscle: 근육
strengthen: 강화하다
repeating: 반복하는 것
tongue twister: 발음하기 어려운 어구
thistle: 엉겅퀴
sifter: 작은 체
sieve: 체 
sift: 체를 거르다  

- Today's expression
Are you willing to do your part? 당신 역할을 기꺼이 맡아줄 건가요? 
Lionel: Alright, you want mechanics? We need to relax your muscles. strengthen your jaws by repeating tongue twister. I'm a thistle sifter. ...(중략) Because I'm a thistle sifter.  

3. Pops English
- Song: The game of love
- Artist: Santana & Michelle branch
- Today's expression
Love is whatever you make it to be. 



1. Morning words
그 친구 헐뜯지마.
hint: dis(diss)
Don't dis(diss) the man.
A: Bill is a playboy.
B: Don't dis the man.

다시 한 번 보게 되는걸.
hint: look twice, double take
You made me do a double-take. 
A: Look at my hairstyle. Hey, how I look?
B: You made me do a double-take.

2. Screen English
- words
bet: 내기 하다
flawlessly: 단점이 없는, 흠 없이, 완전하게
wager: 돈을 걸다
shilling: 실링(1 pound=20shilling)
a funny feeling: 예감
- Today's expression
Lionel: I'll bet you that you can read flawlessly right here, right now. And I win the game, I get to ask you more question.
Bertie: And If I win?
Lionel: You don't have to answer them.
Bertie: One usually wagers money.

Lionel: A bob(1 shilling) each to keep it sweet? Let's see your shilling.
I don't carry money. 나 돈 안 갖고 다녀요. I had a funny feeling that you might not(mightn't) 

3. Pops English
- Song: The game of love
- Artist: Santana & Michelle Branch
- Today's expression
It started with a kiss 
키스로 시작됐어요 

4. Talk, Play, Learn
Please, leave me alone so I can + verb: ~할 수 있도록 내버려둬 
Please, leave me alone so I can read.
Please, leave me alone so I can think.
Please, leave me alone so I can sleep 
mope. 울적한 것을 풀다
A: Show me how to use this app.
B: Please leave me alone so I can work.
A: You're such a workaholic.  

5. Learn More 
I was nicely taken in. 깜박 속아넘어갔다. 멋지게 속아 넘어갔다. 
A: You fell fall his lie. 
B: Yes, I was nicely taken in. 


Can we collaborate on this?
We need a contingency plan.

1. Morning words
그건 거짓 눈물이라고. 그건 위선적 눈물이라고.
hint: crocodile tears
Those are crocodile tears. 
A: You made her cry.
B: Those are crocodile tears.

그는 그 일과 맞지 않아.
hint: cut
He couldn't cut it. 
A: Why did he quit? 
B: He couldn't cut it. 

2. Screen English
- words
discuss: 상의하다, 의논하다(discus-
personal matters: 개인적인 문제
stammer: 말을 더듬다(stutter)
temper: 성질, 성미
fault: 잘못, 단점
defect: 결함
doubt: 의심하다

- Today's expression
I'm not here to discuss personal matters.

Why are you here then?

Because I bloody well stammer.

You have a bit of temper.
욱하는 성격이시네요. 

One of my many faults.

When did the defect start?

I've always been this way. 원래부터 이렇게 생겨먹었다니까.

I doubt that. 아닐 걸요. 

3. Pops English
- Song: The game of love
- Artist: Santana & Michelle branch
- Today's expression

4. Talk, Play, Learn


5. Learn More 



He is quiet brazen for a a five-year old. 
You have to bust a gut. 

1. Morning words
우리 이 일을 공동작업 할 수 있을까?
hint: com+labor: collaborate (Let' tackle it)
Can we collaborate on this? 
A: Can we collaborate on this? 
B: Ok. Let's make it happen. 

지금 우리에겐 긴급 대책이 필요해.  
hint: contingency plan
We need a contingency plan. 
A: This might not work. 
B: We need a contingency plan. 

2. Screen English
- words
suck: 흡입하다, 빨아들이다
lungs: 폐
physician: 의사
relax: 긴장을 풀다. 
idiot: 얼간이
knight: 기사 작위를 받다. (He's been knighted) 
official: 공식적 

- Today's expression
I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you. 

My physicians say it relaxes my throat saved. 

They're idiots. 

They've knighted.

Makes it a official then.

My castle, my rule. Thank you.
What is your earliest memory?

What on earth do you mean?
도대체 무슨 말이야? 

3. Pops English
- Song: Rainy days and mondays
- Artist: The Carpenters
- Today's expression
Nice to know somebody love me

4. Talk, Play, Learn
Have you ever been ~ : ~에 당해본 적 있어?
Have you ever been tricked?
Have you ever been heckled? 야유받다
Have you ever been dumped? 차이다 
Have you ever been punished? 처벌 받아본 적 있어?
Have you ever been manipulated? (mani- 가 붙으면 손과 연관되어 있음. 손으로 조종한다라는 의미로) 
A: Have you ever been punished? 
B: I've gotten myself in a trouble once or twice for sure.  
A: My teacher gave me two days detentions. 

5. Learn More 
turn a blind eye to: 모른 체 하다, 못 본 척 하다 
A: Will Mike get in a trouble? 
B: People will turn a blind eye to what happen.


I'm not big on basketball.
Binging is not good for you.

1. Morning words
5살짜리 애 치곤 뻔뻔해.
He is quiet brazen for a five-year old. 
A: He is quiet brazen for a five-year old.
B: He gets it from his dad.

넌 정말 애좀 써야겠다.
hint: gut(stomach)
You'll have to bust a gut. 
A: How can I finish on time?
B: You'll have to bust a gut.

2. Screen English
- words
formal: 공식적인
prefer: 선호하다(refer, confer: 뒤에 강세/ 
offer:앞에 강세) 
perfect: 완벽한
equal: 동등한, 평등한(We are equals)

- Today's expression
What'll(will, shall) I call you?

You're Royal Highness.
Then sir after that.

It's a little bit formal.
I prefer names.

Prince Albert Fredrick Arthur George. 

How about Bertie?

Only my family uses that.

In here it's better if we're equals.  

3. Pops English
- Song: Rainy days and mondays
- Artist: The Carpenters
- Today's expression
Nothing is really wrong. 

4. Talk, Play, Learn
Guess what I 과거 동사: ~했는지 맞춰봐.
Guess what I saw.
Guess what I got you.  
Guess what I used to do.
Guess what I overheard.
Guess what I paid for this. 
A: Guess what I overheard.
B: Were you eavesdropping again?
A: I can't help it if people talk loud. 

5. Learn More 
Don't forget to clock in. 
A: Don't forget to clock in.
B: I did it first thing.


I wouldn't steer you wrong.

Hind sight is twenty twenty.
You're glowing with pride.
It's all topsy-turby.
You're trippin'.
I'll twist his arms.
He is a barrel of monkeys.
I've got a bone to pick with.
Don believe the hype. 과대 광고를 믿지마

1. Morning words
난 농구 별로 좋아하지 않아. 난 농구 그렇게 좋아하지 않아.
hint: I'm not big on something.
I'm not big on basket ball.
A: Let's shoot some hoops. 농구하자. 
B: I'm not big on basket ball. 

폭식하는 것 역시 건강에 좋지 않아. 폭식 좋지 않아. 지나치면 좋지 않아.   
hint: binge(to do something excessively) 아무거나 상관없음)
Binging is not good for you. 
A: Once I start, I can't stop.
B: Binging is not good for you. 

2. Screen English
- words
serious: 진지한 
by the way: 그런데(=btw in SMS), 그나저나
rather: 상당히, 꽤, 오히려
out of the question: 불가능한, 의논해봐야 소용없는
settled: 안정된, 자리를 잡은
- Today's expression

Is he serious?

About her coming to dinner?

No, about her.

A married woman? 
He can't be(serious).

Maybe he can't, she can be.

By the way I think I've found someone rather interesting.

Out of the question. 
I'm not having this conversation again.
The matter's settled.(no more talking about) 
그 문제는 얘기 끝났어. 

3. Pops English
- Song: Rainy days and mondays
- Artist: The Carpenters

- Today's expression

Talking to myself and feeling old
sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit 아무것도 내게 맞지 않는 것 같아요
hanging around
nothing to do but frown
rainy days and mondays always get me down  

4. Talk, Play, Learn
I want it to be + adjective ~라면 좋겠어
I want it to be worthy.
I want it to be just right. 난 그게 정확하게 맞았으면 좋겠어. 
I want it to be over with.
I want it to be memorable.
I want it to be exactly as advertise.  
A: Aren't you being too picky? 너 너무 까다롭게 구는 거 아냐? (being을 쓰면 일부러 하는 것 같아)
B: I want it to be just right. 
A: It's already near perfect.  

5. Learn More 
run-of-the-mill: 판에 박힌, 지극히 평범한
A: Is that special?  
B: It's just run-of-the-mill. 

'Study' 카테고리의 다른 글

인간은 합리적인가?  (0) 2011.07.20
GMP[2011.07.11-2011.07.17]  (0) 2011.07.11
GMP[2011.06.27-2011.07.03]  (0) 2011.06.27
GMP[2011.06.20-2011.06.26]  (0) 2011.06.20
디자인 관련 링크  (0) 2011.06.16